Monday, January 25, 2010

Does God have a sense of humor???

If you’ve ever wonder that for yourself think no more, the answer is yes.  As our Ministry is moving through the One Month To Live Challenge I’ve had the joy of speaking on some great subjects.  Living a life with no regrets and pursuing our passions in life, I have those principles down and practice them regularly.  But this Sunday was a little different.  And how was it different?  The best way to explain that would be for me to explain how I know God has a sense of humor.
  • I was at a Church on Sunday.
  • I was the one doing all the talking.
  • I was delivering a lesson on “How to Love Completely
    To anyone that’s met me in the last couple of years that might not seem like a big stretch.  But if you were to look back in the not too distance past, the man I was wouldn’t do most of what I enjoy doing now.
    Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

    Matthew 19:26

    I couldn’t sum it up better.  Operating in and drawing strength from myself usually led to failure and most often disappointment.  But by looking to the cross and the power we all have available to us in Christ, I can do anything God wants me to do.  And I believe God wants me to talk about Him to everyone I get the chance to spend time with.  And it just so happens I have a great passion for doing that.  What an awesome blessing for God’s will and my desires to overlap in this area.  Without God in my life none of this would be possible, not a chance.

    I’ve seen what God can do in the lives of people who choose to place their faith in Him over and over, time and time again.  I’ve seen people change and things move in their lives that can’t be explained outside of divine intervention.  So the fact that I’m a Bible Teacher isn’t what makes me believe God has a sense of humor.  Where the humor is found was Sunday’s topic – How To Love Completely.  And a lesson on that topic delivered by a 40-something single guy with a fear of commitment; proves God has a sense of humor.

    But even if God has a sense of humor, His sense of purpose isn’t in question.  Simply put, a sovereign God has a reason for everything.  I could spend hours and hours talking with anyone who can bear to listen about the things I’m passionate about.  Love…  Now that’s a different story, I’m not so good at love. 

    I have no problem loving people in my life and even showing that love openly.  But to revisit the ideas around loving in a relationship environment wasn’t the easiest thing to do based on my not so stellar track record.  God used his sense of humor to remind me that what He has in store for my future has nothing to do with the past.  His future is so much more than I could ever do on my own and it is all based on a simple directive…

    A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

    John 13:35-36

    God wants us to love, that's the future.  The past has nothing to do with the future God wants for us, He’s only concerned with giving us something better.  I’m glad I was reminded of that even though that wasn’t my intention when I wrote my lesson on love, but apparently it was His plan all along.  A lesson on how to love completely has reminded me that God not only loves us completely, he forgives us completely as well.  God doesn’t look in the rear view mirror because that’s not where our potential is.

    We get so wrapped up sometimes in what WE want in our lives we forget that God has offered to take care of that for us, if we’ll let Him.  If we just follow His will.  But somehow we make that too difficult and make God’s will out to be this mystic journey and we have to hunt for clues to find it.  Not so.  The will of God isn’t that hard we just make it that way.

    Are you willing to surrender your life - today?

    Are you willing to trust Him and obey Him one step at a time - today?

    The will of God is not so much what were going to do 10 years from now, but what will we do today?  What can you do to please God today?  

    If we start there God will get the rest for us.

    Grace and peace my friends,
