Friday, June 11, 2010

Have you suffered lately?

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice”.
Philippians 4:4

There is little doubt in my mind that Paul was an optimist.  The Pauline Epistles are an amazing collection of encouraging words written to a people who at the time needed a lot of encouragement.  In the early church Christians died for their faith and beliefs as a common occurrence.  Our Brothers and Sisters from that era were often used as sport and feed to lions in public displays at the Coliseum.  Early Church records reference groups of Christians huddling together in prayer, as the lions attacked their cries of joy and prayer were often heard over the screams of pain.  The Roman Emperor Nero is said to have coated Christians in pitch and burned them alive to light his garden at night and better see the chariot races that took place for his enjoyment.  I know that I wouldn’t want to trade places with those in the past and they would probably laugh at what I call suffering.

And Paul gave us a little glimpse of how easy his life was in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 and here is a quick list of his joy:

·         whipped with 39 lashes (5 different times)
·         beaten with rods (3 different times)
·         pummeled with stones (1 time)
·         shipwrecked (3 times)
·         adrift at sea (one night, one day)
·         journeys (frequent)
·         danger from rivers
·         danger from robbers
·         danger from his own people
·         danger from Gentiles
·         danger in the city
·         danger in the wilderness
·         danger at sea
·         danger from false brothers
·         toil and hardship
·         sleepless nights (many)
·         hungry and thirsty (often)
·         cold and exposed
·         the pressure of anxiety for all the churches (daily)

And the reason Paul found joy in these things was that his circumstance forced him to turn to God.  Joy is a gift from God and it doesn't depend upon circumstances but found in Jesus' unchanging character and promises.   Jesus is the only way to true strength and the power to endure ANY circumstance.  Paul found his joy in Christ, not life and we all need to look beyond the present, finding joy in the promise of our future – Heaven.  That’s a good trade any day.

While our problems today don't compare to those of the early Church, they are still very real to us and have very real impact on our lives.  So how do we deal with them, how do we find joy in all things like Paul did?  When I find myself in a bad spot looking for the good in a specific season of my life I find tremendous comfort in the follow verse:

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
John 15:9-11

I like knowing that Christ takes a personal interest in my joy and He offers it freely if only I choose to receive it.

Be blessed today!