Monday, November 16, 2009

It's all about the view...

I’m working on getting my 7 year old son to enjoy watching College football as much as I do on Saturday’s. I’ve had to make a little deal with him in the process, 10 minutes of cartoons for 5 minutes of football. Always the negotiator I included the provision that I pick the cartoon making this really a win-win situation for me.

This past weekend it seemed every time we flipped back to the game, the Quarterback was on the phone. Dylan caught on to this and asked me who that guy was talking to all the time. I explained the Coaches box is higher than all the other seats and since they can see the whole field, they can see things the Quarterback can’t see from ground level. From where the Coach sat he could see where the mistakes were being made and tell the Quarterback what he was doing wrong or what to try differently and he could do that because he could see the whole field. He smiled, shook his head like he finally got it and said, “Yeah, kinda like God”. Dylan makes me laugh a lot but times like this he makes me think.

While trying to explain the use of a phone during a football game, my son gave me a great description of God’s Providence. We all quarterback our lives and the world is our playing field. A lot of times we seem to be throwing perfect passes with the proverbial crowd cheering us on. But other times everything is off. When we get the ball we drop it or worse yet, throw an interception. Thankfully when this happens in the life of a believer, we don’t have to look for a phone or call a Coach for help. We are sealed in the Holy Spirit and with His help, indentify the issue or behavior that has us “out of sorts” and through Christ we have access to God through prayer. Fortunately things usually have a way of resolving themselves in this process.

But what about when you keep fumbling the ball and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to complete a pass? God seems to be silent and your prayers don’t appear to be effective at all. Just like the Coach in the press box could see things the Quarterback couldn’t, God’s vantage point is a little better than ours. Faith is based on our trusting in the Lord and knowing that He has our back regardless of the circumstance. God never ignores us; He just has a better seat than we do and see’s things differently. When we feel that our Faith is being tested the Apostle Paul gave us direction on how to respond,

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God. For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have.
Philippians 1:27-30 (NIV)

Paul was in a Roman prison at the time and referencing the fact that he faced execution or may be freed, either way he wouldn’t stop preaching the Gospel and Glorifying the Lord. Death or freedom didn’t matter because Paul put his trust in Christ completely and whatever happened was by the will of God.

Paul’s Faith that God was in control of all things couldn’t be argued by anyone. Time after time when put to the test Paul’s faith remained firm because for him anything else wasn’t an option. Being in Christ was a lifestyle for Paul and the “challenge” he issues in this passage of scripture is for us too. Paul could easily have become discouraged due to his circumstance but used his time in prison to God’s glory, showing that his faith could stand up to anything the world could throw at him.

The only faith worth anything is faith that’s been tested and faith gets tested by fire for the most part. How fortunate for us that Paul did remain faithful and the results of his standing firm are the majority of the New Testament. It’s tough to do at times but remember God has a better seat than we do and ultimately our best interest in mind…….

Grace and peace

                  Dylan Boyce

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