Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sometimes the obvious is too obvious...

So I have a Saturday with no kids or work for the first time in what seems like forever.  I woke up at 7:45, looked at the clock, rolled over and fell back asleep.  Sweet! 10:15, I decide to get up, grab a book and head to Starbuck’s.  Perfect!  (OK just between us, the book was a Commentary on Philippians, further validation that my life is off the hook excitement!)  Great early fall day on the patio, drinking a fancy cup of something with a name I don’t recall, but a price tag I do; I decide the only thing that could make the day better – my Harley.

Nothing can beat a nice brisk day on the bike.  Suited up for the chill in the air I head out on the road with no destination, just a journey in mind.  I’m getting relaxed, feeling at one with the machine and starting to decompress.  Some of my best thinking has come on my bike and I can feel the juices start to bubble.  But about this time something doesn’t feel right?  A little hesitation and the bike backfires, I feel a loss of power and a little hesitation in the throttle.  I stop at a light and the motor dies.  I try and start it again but it won’t turn over.  On the side of the road I break out a small tool kit and spend the next 45 minutes going through the bike but can’t figure out what’s wrong.  Frustrated I call the local Harley Dealership and schedule a “pick up” to have my bike put on a trailer and taken to the shop.  About the time a friend is dropping me off at home, my cell phone rings.  It’s the guy from the Service Department, “Mr. Boyce, we found your problem.  You ran out of gas”. 

You can image how dumb I felt about now.  I had looked into every possible reason the bike had died except the obvious.  No gas.  Now before anyone starts to laugh too hard, grab a mirror.  Because you may not have run out of gas recently, but we’re all guilty of taking our problems everywhere else but the obvious at times.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
Psalm 34:19 KJV

No place in the Bible will you find a scripture to reference hardship ending once you turn your life over to Christ.  I can however point out many that mention the suffering and trials we will face.  The Bible tells us we will have problems and face hardships but God will provide us way through them.  Doesn’t it make sense to give Him the first shot?  Right about now I need to borrow that mirror I asked you get out because I don’t always do this either. 

We all will face difficulties in life but I’ve noticed is that some people seem to suffer a lot more than others.  I don’t know why this is the case but I know that suffering doesn’t come from God, but more often, a lack of God.  Because when we don’t turn first to God, turning to anything or anyone else shows we lack the faith He needs operate in.  While some suffer more than others, and maybe even bring it on themselves, the answer is the same.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

Psalms and Proverbs quoted in the King James Version, it doesn’t get more “Old School” than that.  “Old School” can have a lot of different meanings but the term usually precedes something that is more basic or simple than its modern day counter part.  I have a lot of different translations of the Bible but sometimes it’s hard to beat the good ole’ KJV.  Many times it can be difficult to understand but with these two passages, the formality of the wording helps to emphasize its simplicity. 

1.      Trust God completely.
2.      Don’t try and figure it out on our own.
3.      Recognize Him in every part of our lives.
4.      Give Him thanks for what we have.
5.      Seek a path in life He would approve.
6.      When we do encounter hardship, see 1-5.

Pretty simple concepts that are easy to follow, but we usually don’t. 

I know two things for sure:  First, I will fail to follow this advice more times than I can count throughout my life, but God will be there for me when I finally do look to Him.  Second, the next time my motorcycle stops running I’m looking in the gas tank first.  Some lessons are easier to learn than others.

Grace and peace,


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